Little Nicky. The Room. Plan 9 From Outer Space. They're all terrible movies, but at least they were in a way creative and unique in their own styles and tastes.
The Emoji Movie, on the other hand, is just pure lazy Hollywood cash grabbing product placement garbage.
With in-movie scenes for Just Dance, YouTube, Spotify, Dropbox, and Twitter, among Candy Crush and many others, you can damn well just tell how much the makers of this film cared.
All they wanted was to advertise and earn MONEY!!!
The plot has been told millions of times in other movies about an outsider character who is revealed to be just as "unique" or as "important" as everybody else. But the main character in this hunk of crap is a MEH EMOJI, along with a Poop emoji and a smiling Emoji (voiced by Maya Rudolph, of all people), along with the annoying Hi-5 emoji.
I just want to end it here, but needless to say, this movie doesn't even want to try. It exists simply to just advertise products and apps.
Tony Leondis, for shame!